Wednesday, May 4, 2011

bad day :o(

I went to bed aching physically and emotionally last night. The rest and medicine did wonders for the soreness but I was still heartsick when I woke up this morning. I'm so glad to be working half-days this week. I wish that could go on for a bit more but pug's gotta eat so it's back to full time next week.

I got through work somehow. When I came home I was in such bad shape that Chris threatened to call someone to sit with me while he went to work. If there's anything worse than being a sobbing mess, it's being a sobbing mess while someone's staring at you. So I pulled myself together and sent him off to work while I went to church.

I do feel better for having had a good cry. Now I'm just a bit sad and tired. Hoping tomorrow is a better day.

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